What if the effort you put into finding the perfect internet signal could transform your personal and professional relationships? Join us, Ken and Patti Leith, as we recount our Rocky Mountain escapade to uncover a strong connection—not just digitally, but among our community. Welcome to the Four Bars podcast, where we explore how prioritizing genuine bonds can enhance our lives and inspire you to engage more meaningfully with those around you. This episode is packed with stories and strategies aimed at strengthening your personal connections, with a sprinkle of laughter courtesy of our ongoing battle with a mischievous squirrel.

We're thrilled to introduce EDGES Inc., a growth advisory firm focused on fostering innovation and collaboration. Discover how our initiative, Unform Your Bias, is using storytelling to break down societal biases and encourage inclusive interactions. Tune in to learn about our vision of thriving communities, and get sneak peeks into upcoming episodes featuring guest speakers who'll offer diverse perspectives on connection and innovation. Whether you're looking to grow personally, professionally, or both, we've got insights that will inspire you to consider leadership roles in your own circles. Let's build a stronger community together!